I was so excited to receive my very first (and only) copy of a hard cover, bound and printed book filled with my photos! I've been meaning to do this for ages and I finally made the time to take the iPhone Instagram pics of my trip to Tokyo and turn them into a book. For someone that takes photos CONSTANTLY either as a form of story telling or visual diary having hundreds of photos that don't have a home seems like such a waste!
I used Blurb Books which is a super easy and super fast online service. They have great templates and you can download an InDesign extension for full creative control. Blurb allows you to do a direct import from Instagram. However I did this for a book I created for RK (secretly breaking into his account to put a book together of a trip he took a while ago) but because uploaded images are really compressed the quality isn't that great. This time I used the original pics from my iPhone (I generally don't use Insta-filters but do minor edits in Snapseed) so the resolution was much better.
I know this is just a glorified photo album but there is something about seeing my own work in a book that just makes it all a little more exciting! I already have another couple of projects on the go and look forward to creating my own personalised library!
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