Monday, 25 April 2011

Paris -4 Degrees

It was the perfect Parisian day. It was cold, it snowed and the streets were deserted enough for us to feel like we belonged there. Whenever I day dream this is where I go...

Little Collins Street 5.15pm

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

A Town Called Nhill

I recently took a rather long road trip to Adelaide and we stopped in a town called Nhill. There wasn't anything remarkable about Nhill. It was quiet and small and very tidy and it had an old disused wheat silo that thought could use a little bit of colour.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Melbourne Splice - Diana Mini

Just picked up another roll I shot with Diana Mini (on Rollei 400). I like the accidents that happen with such a basic camera. The images were split and overlapped so I thought I'd join them back up with a little colour.

Monday, 4 April 2011

Pompidou Hues

Words In The Hood

I love the effort some people go to say what they need to say - there is a simplicity and honesty in the execution that is quite lovely.